
Typically Tuesdays are bad days. For some reason Fynn is out of sorts, the house cleaning never gets done, and I barely make it out of my pajamas. Today was sort of like that until I finally regrouped 1:00 PM when Fynn and I went for a walk to the park. I’m so happy that summer is finally here. I always feel better after a nice long walk. Fynn always does better, too. I know he gets bored inside. He even went on the swings today. Wow. He really loved that.

So, I have to decide if I’m going back to work part time in September. And I have to decide soon if I have any hope of getting back into daycare. I know it won’t be bad. I’m looking at doing Tuesdays and Thursdays and Friday mornings. I feel like if I break it up I still get to spend a lot of time with him, and I won’t feel guilty for working during our quality time. Plus, I’d like him to play with other babies.

I did have one big victory today. Fynn went down early enough for me to get on the spin bike for a half and hour. It was a great workout. Plus, I’m feeling motivated to eat right lately. Nate and I are going to the store tomorrow to stock up on good food. I’ve been sick of scrounging around the house for something to eat during the day and finally settling on peanut butter and jelly. I cannot tell you how sick I am of peanut butter and jelly. Oh, and junk food. I didn’t think it could ever happen, but I’m really sick of junk food.

Well, off to read. I have to get back on track with my reading goal. Right now, I’m reading Beloved by Toni Morrison. I’m really loving it. I’ll have to blog more about it later. I’m still working on my National Book Club goal, but warming up with some books I’ve been meaning to read for a while. Either way, I’m reading. That’s a good sign.

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3 Responses to Spinning….

  1. Shannon says:

    Congrats on getting in some spinning!

    My advice at this point is that if you can swing it financially and you’re enjoying your time at home with Fynn, then stay home as long as you can. I would not like being home 5 days a week with the kids, so I’m glad I was working 4 days and taking Friday’s off. I went back full-time on Friday’s a few months ago and I regret it. I’m stressed out trying to figure out when to get things done with one less day off and really miss having one day a week where I can do things with the kids if I want to without the fuss of the crowds on the weekends.

    When you consider going back to work, also consider when Fynn naps. If he’s dropped his morning nap and you put him in daycare in the mornings, then he’s going to be napping in the afternoons when he’s with you and awake while at daycare. Good for you getting things done, not good for you spending quality time with him. My parents run into this every time they come up and take the kids out of daycare. No sense picking them up to have them sleep! (They were here last week so we just did this!)

  2. Olya says:

    good for you!

    I think working Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings is doable. This gives you all Monday and Wednesday to hang out with Fynn, and time on Friday to get stuff done around the house while he takes his afternoon nap. Then again, you are talking to a woman who waits for Monday so that she can escape to work, so take my words with a grain of salt 😉

    on an unrelated note, Mark Braun saw my kids on Saturday and mentioned how they are full of “oh, boy.” A very nice way of putting it 🙂

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