Well, still on my diet (although I went off course a little tonight with the potatoes au gratin low calorie but I ate too much of that delicious warm potato goo). It was a pretty good day without a lot of cravings. So yesterday, the Dr. Oz plan day was Get More Sleep. I mean hahahahahahahahaha .how could I hahahahahahahaha with a toddler hahahahahahahahaha Thats how I feel about that one. Today was Meditate. Im not really a meditator. Probably the closest I get is yoga. Although, I did read about one mantra in the book Eat Pray Love. I believe that its the Om Sai mantra. Basically you breathe in Om and breathe out Sai. I tried it during the end of a yoga classes when we were meditating. Usually, I just thought about what I was going to eat when I left, but I have to say that the little mantra helped me clear my head and get in a stress-free zone.
The little man is feeling much better lately. Thank goodness. Since he was feeling better, I took the little guy to Betty Brinn Childrens Museum this morning. He did pretty well. Im always nervous when I take Fynn to places with other children. The reason is that Fynn is very tall for his age. Hes larger than the average 3-year-old (and at this point probably the average 4-year-old), so basically I have a 2 ½ – year-old who acts exactly his age plus has a speech delay, but looks 4. So, you probably can understand my anxiety. More than once, a 5 or 6-year-old has asked Fynn to play, not realizing that although hes nearly their size hes still just a really little guy. I just feel bad for him because hes going to have to deal with that for a long time. He also doesnt really know his own strength, but thats another story.