If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing. ― Coco Chanel
I just watched my daughter climb over her boppy to get a stuffed monkey in her gym. I had to rescue her because she face-planted into her gym, but she came up clutching the monkey and promptly stuffed it in her mouth. A far cry from what I expected at 3-months from my daughter born with Down syndrome. So I decided to make a list of the things shes doing now. I grabbed the list from What to Expect the First Year. So here you go from our first three months of attempting the absurd to achieve the impossible.
By three months, your baby should be able to:
On stomach, lift head 45 degrees (YES)
will probably be able to:
Laugh out loud (not yet
but she coos when excited)
On stomach, lift head up 90 degrees (YES)
Squeal in delight (not yet
but so close! Does cooing in delight count?)
Bring both hands together (YES)
Smile spontaneously (YES)
Follow an object held about 6 inches above babys face moved 180 degrees with baby watching all the way (YES)
may possibly be able to:
Hold head steady when upright (YES)
On stomach raise chest supported by arms (YES)
Roll over (one way) (Shes done it twice from her back to her front. She rolls to her side.)
Grasp rattle held to backs or tips of fingers (YES)
Pay attention to an object as small as a raisin (YES)
may even be able to:
Bear some weight on legs when held upright (YES)
Reach for an object (YES
the evil elephant and her dolly. And a stuffed monkey, apparently.)
Keep head level with body when pulled to sitting (YES)
Turn in a direction of a voice, particularly mommys (YES)
Say ah-goo or similar vowel-consonant combination (Not quite says, Ahooooo)
Razz (Not yet.)
More alike than different.
Love this little girl. My rock star.