
“Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise.” – Horace

January. I looked at Nate this morning and said, “If we made it through 2012, 2013 should be a breeze.” This is the year to be bold.

Last year was full of both happy and sad memories. I was glad to see 2012 end with our family intact; all four of us going to sleep happily and peacefully. But our blessings in 2012 came through smiles as well as tears. I got knocked down pretty hard, but then I got back up. I didn’t think that would be possible on June 12 after the first ultrasound. I felt like I would never get back up again. But I did, and here I am. I have a few scars that might not go away, but instead of covering them up I want them to stay visible forever. Battle scars. A wiser warrior.

I want to be bold this year. It’s not in my nature to be bold. It’s in my nature to be timid. I’m the one who talks a good game, but when the chips are down I’m terrified to act. Not this year. I will be bold.

There is no time to be timid this year – a busy year of work and travel for Nate, preschool for Fynn, therapy for Mia, buying a house, and restarting my freelance career.

Lots of goals, but we’ll go with the flow. We’ll enjoy every day. We’ll live now and hope for the future.

Welcome 2013. I can handle whatever you throw at me. I have the battle scars to prove it.

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2 Responses to Bold

  1. dad says:

    LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

    DAD & MOM

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